Messages from Diverse Sources
Friday, January 31, 2025
I Ask You to Be Small, to Remain Small in Your Hearts and Souls, so That the Task May Be Accomplished in Simplicity, in Humility, in the Giving of Your Lives to My Love Given
Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ to Christine in France on January 17, 2025

{8 o'clock}
The LORD - I am the One who carries My Word in you so that from My Word all may feed and be filled with My Love. The One I Am brings truth and peace into your homes. The One I Am brings the Eternal Word into your homes so that you may grow in My Love and so that, from house to house, the Word may set fire to every cities that My Heart comes to seek out and place under Its mantle. The winds may whistle and the storms rage, but you will be sheltered under My mantle that will cover you with strength. Live, become alive and you will overcome the trials and become the great fighters, the great victors in all the storms that rage My beloved children.
Daughter, a prophet remains alone in his house to carry and transmit the Word that I give him to sow in the wind of hearts.
The strength, in My Heart, every man finds and thus will be able to face all the storms, all the contrary winds. I carry an unshakeable foundation to whom I ask to transmit My Word that I pour into it, like the current of the sea.
I ask you to be small, to remain small in your hearts and souls, so that the task may be accomplished in simplicity, in humility, in the giving of your lives to My Love given. I make you little lights of the Earth who transmit to men the Light of My Word that I give you, so that He may nourish the multitude, who free it from all liars, from all deniers who are only gravediggers in the service of Satan whom they worship in the secret of the Masonic lodges.
But the lodges, in broad daylight, will be exposed and pride will be their downfall; They believe in the victory they proclaim, while Victory is only Mine Sacred Heart, of My Word of Truth, of My eternal Light that annihilates, disperses and reveals all darkness.
Come, children, to the foot of My Tabernacles to gain strength and recharge your hearts. Come and taste the Fruit of My Divine Heart, which carries within you My rays of Light and the Truth that I am. Children, be and remain faithful to My Word of Truth in the Scripture handed down from century to century, and you will enter the Eternal Abode, and you will be servants of My Divine Blood that I have shed for each one of you, in order to free you from the clutches of the Evil One and mark you with the Seal of My Love. Thus I have protected you and marked you with My divine Love; through Baptism you have received the divine Seal that binds and connects you to My Love and which frees you from the clutches of liars.
{23 o'clock}
The LORD - O men who are slow to believe, come to the new Wine I bring you, My intoxicating Wine.
Why flee from My footsteps, why flee from My Law? What do you do with My Love, what do you do with the Love that I am?
You have abandoned My Law. You wanted to usurp My Seat to install that of the filthy Beast and your whole life is just bitterness and stench. You are without consistency, you who defy My Law, and if you set yourselves up as winners, but... winners of emptiness.
Take a step back and come mend your ways, I will welcome your tears and I will bring each one the sweetness of My Heart, the immense Love that I Am. Throw away your pride, it is nothing but illusion, rags and inconstancy.